Reno Journey: Choosing ID and Contractors
When you think that renovation is as easy as playing The SIMS online, you are mistaken. Unless you have been dreaming about your dream home since the day you were born , it will require tons of research stretching to days, months and even years. In my case, I only had 2 months to find a forever home and choose my ID. I am old school, so I had to use spreadsheet to collate information and list down the things I need to do. I also had to browse around forums such as renotalk, hardwarezone, homeanddecor, visit pinterest, youtube, and join facebook groups . It also didn't hurt to subscribe to telegram chatgroups, @SgReno and @SgRenoProducts to find out more about renovating ( it's a chat group where like-minded individuals share their thoughts on renovation ). While researching, I caught a glimpse of what people were sharing about in their renovation journey. ( So do your research !) So to help you readers start on your renovation journey, I've listed a couple of things tha...