[Anime in Review] Servant x Service
Servant x Service The story The series follows the lives of city officials in a certain city hall ~ what they do at work and their personal lives. Guided by their mentor, Taishi Ichimiya, these newly hired workers, Hasebe, Lucy and Miyoshi, try to fulfill the tasks given to them to their best abilities. Review From the team that brought you Working! comes another series that will take you off the edge of your seats ( literally from laughing ) . Who would have thought of coming up with a series about municipal workers. Think their job is quite boring? The series tries to paint a picture of the not-so-ordinary lives of these officials. We are thrown into this chaotic world of city officials and seeing their lives unfold. We begin with seeing these officials do mundane task of facing customers and filing papers. We see them taking breaks and when they are off duty. What is perhaps the most interesting facet of this story is how the characters intertwine...