[Anime in Review] Servant x Service

Servant x Service

The story
The series follows the lives of city officials in a certain city hall ~ what they do at work and their personal lives. Guided by their mentor, Taishi Ichimiya, these newly hired workers, Hasebe, Lucy and Miyoshi, try to fulfill the tasks given to them to their best abilities.


From the team that brought you Working! comes another series that will take you off the edge of your seats ( literally from laughing ) . Who would have thought of coming up with a series about municipal workers. Think their job is quite boring?  The series tries to paint a picture of the not-so-ordinary lives of  these officials. We are thrown into this chaotic world of city officials and seeing their lives unfold. We begin with seeing these officials do mundane task of facing customers and filing papers. We see them taking breaks and when they are off duty. What is perhaps the most interesting facet of this story is how the characters intertwine with each other and how the characters are. Starting off from the sectional chief, who is a stuffed animal to the part time worker, who likes to cosplay, these are just some of the characters that will make you just scratch your head. I do see it as a case of having dysfunctional coworkers and manager. There is also that brocom ( brother complex ) sister of Ichimiya, the sort of leader of the troupe, who goes out of her way to visit her brother at work and ensuring that his brother's workplace is in tiptop shape by quizzing the employees at the workplace.   Apart from having a good laugh from these officials, we also see that romance is in the air and in the workplace. Not a bad combo. Who would have thought that their lives can be this interesting. I had certain apprehension about watching this series - whether this series with a simple plot live up to its hype? well, the series proved me wrong and it was certainly entertaining.

Date watched : Sept 2013 - present
Date aired : July 4 - Sept 26  2013
Author :Karino Takatsu
Is it following a manga: Yes. This is a 4-kome manga.

Why i am watching the series? 

Hasebe Yutaka . I have never seen a goofball and slacker character in any series. He can be serious at some point but a total slacker. I wish I could rub off some of his skills. Despite him being goofy, there is one side of him that is charming esp when he is being confronted with his feelings for Lucy. His feelings for Lucy is as plain as a day, yet Lucy, being totally clueless, does not even notice his feelings at all. This , though, does not discourage him. In fact, he did try his best to ask Lucy on a date. I had a grin on my face when I saw him trying to ask Lucy out for a date.It didn't seem he was nervous asking her out but towards the end of the scene, you see him gasping for breath saying " I was so nervous" Ain't that a cutie. That made me root for him even more. I am now waiting for their much-awaited date ( which will hopefully air in the final 2 episode ) Did I also mention that he is voiced by Tatsun. Tatsuhisa Suzuki , who also voices Makoto among others. Believe it or not, he is also the main vocal of OldCodex ( So yes, he can definitely sing! )

Taishi Ichimiya . I don't know what's with the guys inside this series. haha. He is the supervisor of the  He is voiced by Sakurai Takahiro , he voiced way too many characters these past years after Code Geass. He is suzaku in Code geass, Polar Bear in shirokuma Cafe and yes, he is the same seiyuu as Misaki in Junjou Romantica.(≧◡≦)

Lucy Kimiko Akie Airi Shiori Rinne Yoshiho Ayano Tomika Chitose Sanae Mikiko Ichika... Yamagami
We can just leave it as Lucy. It was probably because of this moniker that I was lured into watching this series. She is the earnest worker in the city hall but i guess it is because she wanted to prove that officials in the city hall must be serious. She holds a grudge on the person who approved her name when her parents registered her name at the city hall. ( I am still curious who is the one who approved her name ) Well, because of this long name,  it makes it difficult for Hasebe to hit on her.

Why  I would dropped the series? 

Currently , there is no reason for me to drop it. I am very well satisfied with this series.

Rating : 。◕ ‿ ◕。 8 out of 10 ( Since this series did entertain me, I give it an 8. It has romance and comedy. I can't compare this to working, just yet as I have not seen the series. This series also did give goosebumps while watching, I was swooning over the love affairs in the series. I was laughing uncontrollably on some of the skits. Perfectly well played. )


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